Sunday, November 15, 2009

thinking on a sunday afternoon

I'm going to Utah in only two more days.
I am so, so excited.
Thanks for all the flying tips,
I think I'll be just fine, and hopefully
Nicholas will be too.


Yesterday we were driving home from helping our friends
move into their new house.
I was sitting by Nicholas and I started making
one of those silly noises that you never know how to spell.
Bamoufthphbm. Or something like that.
Nicholas laughed out loud.
For the very first time.
I couldn't stand how adorable it was,
and Kent almost couldn't drive;
we were laughing so hard at Nicholas's laugh.

Being a mom is so much fun.
Especially now that I'm starting to feel normal again.
The fog is lifting. He'll be three months old tomorrow!


Kent is so hard to get Christmas presents for.
All he's asked for is
a projector,
and a new laptop.

We can't afford either of those, so I'm kind of stumped.


I should be cleaning the kitchen floor right now.
We've got a lot of people coming over for dinner tonight.
Obviously, I'm procrastinating.


My hair is falling out.
By the handfuls. By the armfuls.
I'm a little bit freaked by that.
Kent said he'd still love me if I was bald, so I guess I'll be okay.
But I don't want to be bald.

Please tell me that this hair loss is normal.
And that I won't lose it all.


You know those placemats I posted about like four weeks ago?
I've still got two (of four) left to finish.


Nicholas is getting hungry. My post is over.


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