Saturday, January 29, 2011

cardboard house

Some of my favorite memories are from playing in houses made of refrigerator boxes.
This morning, Nicholas helped me make his very first cardboard house.

 He really liked the coloring part.
We had to watch him close, though, to make sure he only drew on cardboard walls, not real walls.
And he's only tried to climb through the window once,
but he tipped it over twice;
he thinks the walls should be strong enough to support him leaning against them.  That's why we have it shoved against the corner now.
We got the box from this:
Our new vanity!
The plumber came this morning to move our pipes (this vanity is more than twice the length of the last one).
All of the cement board is laid and ready for tile...although the tiling project has been delayed day after day by one thing or another. (Pack meeting, car repairs, attending baptisms, minor illnesses, etc.)
I'm still really hoping to have this bathroom done by Friday-do you think we'll make it?

Even though nothing else is done yet, I still love to go in there sometimes and look at our new light fixture and the new gray paint-which looks about a billion times better than the wallpaper ever did.


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