Thursday, January 20, 2011

sock party

Attempting to put on Daddy's socks-not as easy as it might seem.

 My boy is perfection, and hanging out with him every day fills me up- his silliness gives me the patience to handle his sometimes neediness.  The way he says please "pb-ueazz" melts my heart and I just can't help but pick him up and kiss him. 
He's been a super super picky eater lately (cereal, yogurt, and crackers pb-ueazz and nothing else, thank you) but when he does eat-he is the most adorable chewer you've ever seen.  Seriously.
He loves on us all day long-giving kisses and hugs--the long, snuggling, breathing-in-my-ear hugs.
And as always...there's those blue blue eyes. 


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