Friday, January 14, 2011

it's a party

My brother Nathan was baptized on Saturday.  Because we couldn't be there in person, we sent a little video of our congratulations for him to watch afterwards.

If you've ever tried to make a video (or mop the floor or do the dishes or practice the piano or go to the bathroom) with a 17-month old you know that...well, they have a way of being adorable but also complicating things.

We ended up with WAY more outtakes and bloopers than actual video.
At one point, Kent was fiddling with the video overlays-there's one with streamers and balloons and he told Nicholas "It's a party!"

We went to IKEA on Saturday morning, and as we were walking through the showrooms, Nicholas was running wild shouting something that sounded like
"A pie! A pie!"
Cute, but probably the type of behavior we are going to need to curb here pretty quickly-as my sister Shannon pointed out:  a seven-year-old running wild in IKEA just isn't quite as cute as a toddler...

But on a side note, am I the only mother who feels completely clueless about what in the heck I should be doing as I attempt to discipline?

Anyway, it wasn't until two days later (two days of non-stop "a pie!") that we realized he wasn't saying he wanted dessert, 
he was declaring "It's a party!"

Every moment of our lives can now be turned into a party at any moment.
Nicholas wakes up from his nap:  "A party!"  Nicholas gets in the bathtub: "A party!"
Nicholas wrestles on the bed with mommy: "A party!"
And I have to say,
it certainly does seem like he's right.


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