Monday, October 31, 2011

Ellie Sarah

Saturday, October 29
3:57 pm
8 lbs 5 oz

After the most intense hour of my life (5 cm to born in only one hour-no time for an epidural)
our little Ellie made her long-awaited appearance.

She is beautiful and very sweet.
She has her days and nights mixed up.  (sleeps five hour stretches through the day, eats every 45 minutes at night. And I'm not exaggerating.)
She's a pro at nursing.
When she cries, it's a very polite "wah"  and then a long pause while she waits to see if we've heard her before she tries another sweet "wah."
She's deliciously chubby, and we just can't keep ourselves from kissing those cheeks all day long.

She has her brother's hairline...poor girl.

She's perfect.  We'll keep her. 


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