Monday, October 3, 2011

the nursery

We worked so hard to get the baby's room to this point,
and well,
she probably won't ever sleep in it before we move.

Hey, now we'll know exactly how we want to set up her room when we get to our new place, right?

And really, getting her room done has helped everything seem more real, and more exciting.  I love to come in here, especially at night, and just sit in the rocking chair and imagine how nice it is going to be to have my baby girl here with us.
I bought paper doilies from the craft store and painted them with watercolors to make the garland. I wanted to do something with her name to go above her bed also, 
but since we hadn't decided on a name until just last week,
and now that we're leaving the house, 
that's going to have to wait until we're in Utah.


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