Monday, May 7, 2012


I mean, who could have this view all day long and not feel at peace?

The beauty of the foothills where Kent's parents live
Allison and I spent a lot of time just being there,
going on walks,
lounging with our feet in the pool (heavenly I tell you)
and sitting with our babies on the grass letting the sun soak into our skin.

The night before the Spring Event,
Teresa threw a little party.
We had a bonfire, roasted hot dogs, ate this amazing pastry dessert,
and then, as twilight came on
and the sun began to set,
Teresa pulled out a box of lotus flower floating lanterns.
I set up my lanterns with a sweet sleeping babe in one arm, thanks to a ton of help from all the other girls!

She explained that as you light the candle and set the lantern afloat across the water 
you make a wish.
Before we set ours out, we gathered on the dock and Paige, one of Shannon's friends, sang the song from the lantern scene from the movie Tangled.  We joined in for the chorus.  It was a tender moment.
We watched the lanterns float and bob across the water in the dark.
It was a surprisingly cathartic experience,
and we headed back home in the night
feeling refreshed and renewed.


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