Saturday, May 26, 2012


 Thursday afternoon we put a candle in a wedge of creamy swiss 
so Nicholas and Kent could sing happy birthday to me.  
The cake, the amazing nutella-italian cream-chocolate cake-vanilla cake layered cake, was going to be part of the date night celebration later on,
and we wanted Nicholas to be able to enjoy some of the fun of blowing out candles on Mommy's birthday.

All day long Nicholas was so cute, reminding me that it was my birthday.
"Did we sing happy birt-day Mommy?"  
"Did we make a birt-day?  We DID!" 

Early Thursday morning, Nicholas thought he'd bring me a present, so he carefully carried my ring (that I put on my nightstand each night) and gave it to me
"I brought you a ring for to you a present!"

And when I woke up that morning, Kent rolled over with his tablet in hand, open to this:
 I got to pick out my breakfast (french toast, fruit cup, and guava raspberry juice) and Kent made it, as well as fed and dressed the kids and cleaned up the kitchen. Perfect way to start a birthday.

I attempted a self-taken photo shoot with me and the kids...
not so easy.
Here's the best I got.

I went to Target with the kids to buy myself a new shirt.  
Nicholas picked out orange nail polish for me.  Orange.  
Will I wear it?  Not sure yet.  But he was so excited about it I just couldn't say no.

Then I took the kids to a nice grassy spot and we blew bubbles.
Because I'm a mom, and I knew that in order for me to have a happy day 
I was going to have to make my kids have a happy day.

Then we went to lunch with a few of my roommates from college, 
came home, 
the kids took a very nice birthday nap.

And after the kids were in bed that night, my brother Josh came over and
Kent and I went out to dinner at my favorite Italian place-delicious! 
They have the best cake.  I ate until I truly thought I was going to burst.

A perfect, happy way to start being 25. 


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