Friday, May 4, 2012

the event

Fresh strawberries with cream cheese dip and brown sugar.

Homemade sorbet.  With a custom-printed wooden spoon and a sprig of rosemary.

They had stations set up throughout the property--you could make smore's by the firepit, get flavored water and candy, relax in the hammock, and take pictures with the plentiful props.

Lunch-fresh veggie salad with hummus, and a chicken pesto sun-roasted tomato sandwich.

Allison and Eli, Mindy Gledhill and Griffin, and Me and Ellie. 

I don't know how to describe the Vintage Spring Sorbet event other than to say that it was truly magical.
Not only had Teresa and her friends thought of every single detail,
but there's really something special about when women gather with the intent to
be creative, share friendship, and inspire one another.

The day started off with a welcome, then there was time for crafts, shopping, and some classes.
Then we enjoyed lunch and a private concert by Mindy Gledhill.  So incredible!

The vendors were so fun, too, and Allison and I got lucky--Ellie and Eli took naps at the same time so we could go out and enjoy ourselves sans-baby for most of the day.  I bought a darling blue cookie jar, a bar of handmade lavendar soap, a little necklace charm, and a box of to-die-for cinnamon rolls.
(That Allison and I polished off on our own before we came home.  This was a week of binge eating, and I'm not sorry at all.) 

At the end of the day, my heart was full of peace, joy, and inspiration to be a better me.

Thank you Teresa!


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