The day started off with a spectacularly patriotic birthday breakfast of red, white, and blue waffles and homemade blackberry syrup.
I'm pretty proud of my blackberry syrup, since I invented the recipe myself.
But apparently I'm not proud enough to take a picture of it. Sorry.
his very own barbecue grill.
We purchased it on Friday, but I wouldn't let him use it until Saturday. I'm a horribly mean wife, I know.
He had to pick out the appropriate grilling tools to go with it. Home Depot has a set of burger flipper/tongs/giant fork that "a man can be proud of."
It's unfortunate that he couldn't have opened that early, since we spent four hours changing the hinges of our refrigerator door the day before.
But maybe that's what made this present all the more meaningful.
(And try not to look at the yucky light fixtures we haven't replaced yet. They're on "The To-Do List With No End.")
After a dinner of bacon-wrapped steaks, homemade french fries, and sparkling green jello, we had Dallin and Cindy and Mark over to help us eat ice-cream cake and play games.
After dark the two of us got in the car and drove back and forth on the 1604 to watch the fireworks at Six Flags. Kent always gets fireworks, just for his birthday!
Happy Birthday, Kent! You are the kindest, silliest, most wonderful husband!
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