Friday, July 31, 2009

the first

I got my first San Antonio Methodist Hospital bracelet.
I was there on Tuesday, but only for 3 1/2 hours.
I was diagnosed with an "irritable uterus" that just doesn't like being stretched.
I don't blame it.

It was a good practice run, though--now I know that I'll need a few things I hadn't thought of before. My own pillows, for example.
And I made good friends with some of the nurses.
We also managed to navigate the crazy parking situation and find labor and delivery.

Maybe I should have left the bracelet on.
They told me that the signs I'm showing mean that real labor will begin "either a few hours from now or a few weeks from now."
Don't they realize that is a bit...aggravating?

So, our bags are packed, the carseat is installed, the camera is charged, and poor Kent is at work, jumping up every time his phone makes a sound, wondering if it's me telling him it's time to get to the hospital (again).

I can't believe we're going to be parents soon.

I thought I'd feel more "ready."
But it seems like most of life's lessons are simply thrown at us, and we have to learn while actually in the moment.
We probably learn better that way.
And as first-time parents, Kent and I have a lot of learning ahead of us.
Oh boy.


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