Saturday, July 25, 2009

how much longer?

Last night
Kent decided to start working on tax stuff.
So instead of going to bed, I started cleaning.

That was probably a bad idea.
Within minutes I was in full-blown "nesting" mode.
After doing the dishes, I sanitized all the countertops (which were clean already),
then I organized the final boxes that have been sitting in our bedroom.
Then I dusted our dresser.
I organized the screws that were sitting on top, making sure they were in a neat little row.
Then I went into the bathroom and folded all the towels. They had to be exactly strait with each other.
Which isn't very easy to do with towels. They're too fluffy.

My obsession with order finally ended when Kent was calling me from bed,
begging me to stop and come pray with him so he could go to sleep.
And when I realized that it was simply unnecessary to get out the measuring tape and make sure all of the shower curtain hooks were the same distance apart.
Cleanliness is next to godliness, but I think that right after that comes insanity.

Oh, and yesterday, I ate an entire large plateful of brownies. By myself.
I tried to save some for Kent,
but I couldn't.

I am definitely 8 1/2 months pregnant.


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