Thursday, December 31, 2009

and a happy new year

This has been quite the year for our family.
Difficult in some ways,
but wonderful in many ways.

Here's a little recap:
jan: setting new goals-learning to give more, and expect less

feb: announcing the coming of baby Andersen!

mar: cake decorating, ultrasounds, homework, and the eventual coming of Spring to Rexburg

apr: Kent and Becca both graduate with their bachelors from BYU-Idaho, a trip to California to see Mason off, baby showers and making almost too much baby stuff with Mom.

may: move to Texas (a bit of a rough start), Becca turns 22, we make an offer on our house

jun: we are homeowners! All thanks to ninety-seven cents.

jul: Kent turns 24, we work on the house. A lot.

aug: Nicholas joins our family. We are living the life.

sep: our moms come to help, Nicholas is blessed. I discuss motherhood.

oct: our first Halloween as a family.

nov: trip to Utah for Thanksgiving.

dec: first Christmas, trip to California.

We are happier now than we were a year ago. I think that is the definition of success.
Ninety-nine percent of that happiness is because of this little (or not-so-little) guy.

He has changed us,
and we wouldn't have it any other way.
Happy New Year!


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