By jumping on our bed.
We got a new(er) one from a friend about a month ago.
But our old, squeaky, broken box springs has been sitting in our bedroom for the past month.
While I was gone last week, Kent painted our bedroom. It looks beautiful. It desperately needed the paint. (No one should ever paint one wall of their bedroom gold. Yuck.)
And because he wanted it to look good when I came home, Kent also cleared out the bedroom, hung up pictures, moved the pile of unfolded laundry, etc.
Leaving us with this:

And now we can't figure out how to remove it from our house. It won't fit in the back of our car. It certainly won't fit in our garbage can. And I refuse to let it get shoved in our out-of-sight-out-of-mind pile in the garage. It would be there forever. Not to mention our car would no longer fit in our miniscule garage if a box springs was in the way.
So, until further notice, it is in the kitchen.
Kent suggested drawing pictures on it and propping it against the sliding doors. They are, after all, in need of curtains. It would solve both of our problems, he said.
You'd be surprised at how quickly you can get used to something like this being in your way. Just slide it across the floor when you need to access that corner of the kitchen. No big deal. I almost don't even notice it.
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