When I saw the long line of Charter buses waiting to pick everyone up and shuttle us downtown, I knew that this wasn't going to be a quiet, little Christmas party. There were at least 20,000 people there. I'm not exaggerating. It was huge!
The food was delicious. Our favorite part was probably the dessert buffet. They had these little orange squares that Kent described as "squares of love." Airy passion fruit-mango something.
I don't know what they were exactly, but they were good!
I would have taken a picture of them, but in the midst of me telling our babysitter every single thing I know about Nicholas before we left, I forgot to grab my camera. Boo.
As for the entertainment, they had a gymnastics team, ballroom dancers, a stomp-style group called Jingo, "Candini the Mentalist," a fudge demonstration from Rocky Mountain Chocolate company, and a concert by REO Speedwagon.
Oh, and a casino and karaoke, but I don't participate in either of those activities.
Now, I'm only going to say three things about REO Speedwagon.
- I have only ever heard one of their songs.
- I don't think they have cut their hair or changed their outfits since 1983.
- They were loud. Unbelievably loud.
I think that next year they should get Josh Groban to come.
We came home to find Nicholas all cozy in bed. Beautiful.
It was a fabulous night, and I'm so glad we went!
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