Sunday, December 27, 2009

dinnertime at 4 1/2 months

We are having a grand time here in California.
Christmas was wonderful. So good. Nicholas enjoyed all of his presents-he would yell at them, grab them, and bring them straight to his mouth.
I'll put up some pictures later, but for now, you can see some on Grammer's post here.

We've been trying out two new things: our camera and baby food for Nicholas. Both things are a work in progress, of course. We've got a lot to learn about our DSLR, and Nicholas has a lot to learn about eating. The baby tongue thrust thingy makes feeding him pretty exciting.

Here's tonight's dinner time.

Nicholas is so excited for some food!
First up, carrots.
I'm thinking that's a no for carrots.
Back to sweet potatoes-he liked them last time.
By the end of the meal, I think only about a tablespoon actually made it into his stomach, but he sure enjoyed it!


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