It has been seven months since the last time Nicholas wrote a post about a day in his life. Things around here are quite different than they were seven months ago.
June 2, 2010
5:30 am: Wake up and stand in my crib until Mom comes in and feeds me my early breakfast. It's all I need to go back to sleep for a few more hours.
7:30 am: Good morning! I wake up right as Dad is leaving for work. He brings me into the bedroom so I can play on the floor while Mom spends a few more minutes in bed.
8:15 am: We play with my toys in the bedroom.
8:30 am: Mom takes me downstairs for my breakfast. I like to eat a bowl of rice cereal with bananas and berries.
8:50 am: Dance party in the living room! Mom's trying to teach me how to do some dance moves of my own.
9:00 am: Mom needs to take a shower. I'm not a big fan of this activity.
(note from Mom: you can be assured that this picture was staged, and there are two reasons why. 1. Nicholas isn't crying. 2. I don't make a habit of taking our camera in the shower with me.)
10:00 am: Time for my first nap. Mom feeds me and I fall asleep.
12:30 pm: I'm awake again! Now it's time to read books while we snuggle.
This is my favorite book. It's about a cow who lost her moo.
1:30 pm: My friend Pax and his mom Anita come over to play. I love it when they come over! We like playing together, and I really like Anita. She usually has cheerios. And she thinks I'm adorable.
3:30 pm: I'm awake! We practice crawling up the stairs.
3:36 pm: We go up the stairs again.
3:43 pm: Again!
3:45 pm: Since I liked watching Elmo so much when Pax was here, Mom puts it on again for me, and I show her how I've learned how to dance. Her dance parties with me have finally paid off!
4:30 pm: Dad calls to let us know he's on his way home.
4:35 pm: Mom takes me upstairs to change my diaper and my clothes because I smell like baby food and baby sweat and a wet diaper.
5:00 pm: Dad is home! Mom is happy, and so am I. Me and Dad wrestle in the living room.
5:30 pm: I show Dad how I've learned how to dance. He thinks it's the cutest thing he's ever seen.
6:00 pm: Mom makes dinner and I play in the kitchen.
6:30 pm: We eat dinner.
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