Wednesday, June 23, 2010

five more years

Nicholas and I on our way back in from taking out the trash tonight.

Kent has been doing grad school for just about three weeks now. And I'm already asking myself if it is going to be worth it.
Now, let me rephrase that. I'm already done asking myself if it is going to be worth it. I'm already deciding to adjust, adapt, and move on with this new phase in our lives. (Yes, maybe this post is a pep talk to myself.)

And it's not fun, but it's not terrible, either. Kent comes home from work, starts his classwork (this particular course has been all online), works until dinner, helps me bathe Nicholas, and then works again, sometimes until 11:30 pm.

But at least he comes home.

On Saturdays Kent does a few necessary chores around the house, and then works on school for five or six or seven hours.

But less time for getting out means less money spent on going out.

Nicholas and I are semi-on-our-own a lot more lately. No more "dad's home now mom's done" around here.

And now that we've made it like that past the first few weeks, I have decided to like it that way. It's just me and Nicholas, cleaning up dinner, taking out the trash, having dance parties in the living room, splash parties in the bathtub, and giggle fests in the bedroom.

I think I'm learning a valuable lesson from this. Life isn't always (or possibly even isn't often, or maybe even rarely is) exactly the way you want it to be.

So what.

That's not important. What is important is
learning to love the life you've been given,

and laughing together on your way back in from taking out the trash.


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