Tuesday, June 1, 2010

memorial day should happen every week

What a weekend.
So fun.
And yet, I have no pictures of any of our activities. I guess we were just having too much fun to stop and take a picture.

What did we do?

We took our friends toobing down the comal river, acquired the little bumps/bruises which are necessary for any truly fun day, discovered a restaurant that does not serve you without shoes on and found one that does (and had better food anyway), and had an all-around spectacular time.

We made the world's most delicious fruit salad for dinner on Saturday. Mango, watermelon, canteloupe, strawberries, banana, and kiwi.

We relaxed on the couch and watched a few shows.

We joined Dallin for his community pool's summer opening event, let Nicholas splash around in a swimming pool for the first time, and ate free hot dogs.

We managed to survive a little bit of yardwork in 90+ heat.

We stopped for buy-one-get-one shakes at Sonic, ordered Chinese food for dinner late last night, and made cookies two or three times over the weekend.

We visited a furniture store, purchased two buy-one-get-one gift cards, and found the perfect nightstands for our bedroom.

And finally, we wished that Kent had a day off work every Monday.

I hope you all had a great weekend, too!


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