Friday, June 18, 2010

what about

the times when life isn't glamorous?What about the weeks when life is simply life, day after day?

I've had one of those weeks.
A week where I felt just a little bit
repetitive. Day after day.

But then I read this post by Shannon, and it reminded me that life,
life is about living.

So now I'm looking back at some things I've treasured this week:

Spending time sitting on the porch with my little boy, smelling the blossoms, hearing the birds, and watching the bugs crawl past.

The night that Nicholas simply refused to go to bed on time, Kent and I shrugged our shoulders and let him stay up with us. And to see the happy little smile on his face as he snuggled down between us on the couch while we watched our movie- my heart melted.

Kent came home from work, picked up Nicholas, came over and gave me a kiss. Nicholas watched me kiss Kent, then copied what I did-he leaned in and pressed his little lips against Kent's stubbly chin.

It was pretty much the cutest thing I've ever seen.

I still get all smiley when I think about it. I've got quite the crush on this little guy.

We bought Nicholas some bathtub crayons.
He tries to eat them.
So we confiscated them, and now our shower is full of notes Kent and I have written to each other this week. I sure look forward to my shower each morning so I can see what witty/silly response Kent has written to me.

I made some pretty delicious chocolate crinkle cookies to take to my very first book club meeting last night. I'm so excited to get reading again!

We bought some nightstands on sale during Memorial Day weekend. They arrived yesterday, and now I've got all sorts of great plans to finally decorate our master bedroom.
Oh boy do I have plans!

Life is made of moments, small pieces of silver amidst long stretches of tedium. It would be wonderful if they came to us unsummoned, but particularly in lives as busy as the ones most of us lead now, that won't happen. We have to teach ourselves now to live, really live . . . to love the journey, not the destination.

-Anna Quindlen

Let's all have a great weekend, and spend our time really living,
rather than wishing and dreaming and waiting.


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