Monday, August 3, 2009


I was sitting indian-style on the floor, next to my packed suitcase,
making lists.
Because that is what I do. List-making runs in the family.
But it seems to be just a girl thing, so I think Nicholas will be spared the list obsession.I sat there for quite a while, even after I finished writing my list.
It could have been because the house was quiet, I could hear birds outside, I'd done everything on my list of chores for the day, or because I was comfortable,
but actually it was because
once I'm on the ground it's really hard to get up again.
So I started taking pictures of my kitchen from my seat on the floor.

And then the living room.That gave me enough motivation to get up, because I wanted to show you how we've arranged our third bedroom (so far--one wall is empty for our little couch to go; we're buying a couch from some friends later this month).And finally, here I was last night, at 36 weeks.
The last month!! Hooray!


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