Friday, August 14, 2009


It seems that waiting for this baby has taken over. This blog. My conversations. My facebook updates. My thoughts.
Our lives.

But he appears to be perfectly content right where he's at, so we wait.
And meanwhile,
We do silly things, like have a winter-themed dinner.
(San Antonio has had 55 days of 100* or above in the last three months.)

I made snowflakes out of tortillas. Just like they were paper snowflakes. Tortilla snowflakes.
It was pretty much one of the coolest things I've ever done. I had Kent take a full-body shot of me tonight, but this one is all you're going to see. I saw the picture he took and then I realized why the lady at the store assumed I was overdue.
I'm on my way to birthing a nine-pounder, I'm afraid.

And, as you see, I can't even write a "non-pregnancy" post without talking about being pregnant.
I told you it's taken over. I'm sorry.

I made swiss cheese fondue, and we pretended it was snow that we were dipping our food in.
Silly? Yeah. But everyone needs a little silliness now and then.I was thinking maybe I went a little overboard on the decorations for a meal just for the two of us.
Then I spilled a hundred little fake ice cubes on the kitchen floor.
And I think picking them all up made me feel just a little bit colder.
Which at this point, is worth almost anything.


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