Monday, August 24, 2009

the life

Kent and I have a saying.
"Ah, this is the life!"
We got it from a funny little moment from a funny little boy we know.

Having a new baby is kind of chaotic, but when I get a chance, I sit back and look at this beautiful baby boy and I can't help but think, "Ah, this is the life!"

He is a great baby. We're exhausted, and sometimes overwhelmed,
but he's very patient with his new parents.
And on Friday night he slept for six hours in a row!
We keep praying he'll do that again.
If he doesn't, though, at least he's still cute at 2 in the morning.

Sunbathing. Can life get any better? I just want to eat him up-all those rolls and dimples and brand-new baby skin. Umm!
Of course, right after I took this picture, Nicholas decided to shoot poop across the carpet.
Anyone know of any good stain removers? We took him on his first outing on Saturday. We walked around some gardening places nearby. It was beautiful, not too hot, and so peaceful. He loved being in the carrier, and he slept the entire time.So yes, although the hormones are wreaking havoc on my emotions, we aren't getting much sleep, and I can't figure out how to make the laundry do itself,
the truth of it is,
life is beautiful, and we are very happy.


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