I was going to buy a new maternity shirt for me at Kohls,
but I got sidetracked by the baby stuff and decided that it was a much better idea to buy Nicholas two new outfits than to buy myself a shirt I will only be able to wear for a few more weeks.
He needs something to wear for the holiday vacations we're taking, after all.
And they were just too adorable to pass up.
After Kohls we went to Pier One and experienced an unsuccessful search for curtains.
(I did find this chair that I fell in love with, though. Oh my-this chair just makes me so happy inside. I'm trying to figure out if I have a somewhat reasonable place to put it.)

Anyway, we were out the door and in the process of deciding I'm just going to have to make curtains for our house,
when some lady pulled up in her car and rolled down the window
so that she could yell at me
"When were you due?"
What? Who is this lady?
"Um, I'm due on the 30th." Yeah, still three weeks away.
She couldn't hear me (I have a chronically soft voice), so Kent says again,
"She's not due until the 30th of this month."
And then, as she pulls away again, she looks at me one last time and says,
"Well don't be afraid to try walking."
Just two months ago I was getting hit on by guys at fast food places, and my doctor was telling me how small and cute my belly was.
Actually, I really love my pregnant belly right now. It's so fun, and different, and amazing. And I love how (most) people smile when they see me.
But it is true that I'm not so small anymore.
At least it's obvious that I'm pregnant, right?
I've got to keep feeding this baby, after all.
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