Tuesday, May 11, 2010

bits of April

Thursday, April 1: My family's flight didn't come in until late that night...and then my dad got lost on the way to our house. We had their beds all ready for them to crawl into when they got here.
Saturday, April 3: Sarah carries our little Easter Bunny up the stairs to find his basket.
Sunday, April 11: The aftermath of our "planning party" with our friends. We had meals to coordinate, activities to plan, lists to make!

Monday, April 12: Nicholas oversees our yardwork from his high chair on the porch.
Thursday, April 15: One of the reasons I love going home to Kent's parents' is because everything there is beautiful. It's refreshing, and I always end up wishing I could stay longer.

Saturday, April 24: Nicholas's first time in a boat.
Tuesday, April 27: Bathtime at the end of the day. That lump on his shoulder is his hemangioma-it will eventually just go away on its own as he grows. Weird, but nothing to be concerned about.


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