I've been a mother for almost nine months.
I am not the same person I was nine months ago. (Or eighteen months ago, for that matter.)
I am softer. I am a different shape, but a shape better for cuddling and rocking and snuggling and nibbling on (he's teething) and wiping runny noses on.
I am more talented. I can hold a baby while I talk on the phone and apply makeup without letting said baby chew on the mascara tube (did I mention he's teething?). I can cook dinner while I sing and dance to entertain the baby that I'm also hand-feeding diced pears to. I can navigate from my bedroom to the nursery, pick up a 20-something lb nine-month old, and nurse him in my sleep. I can give a visiting teaching message while Nicholas is knocking on my face and squeezing my nose.
I am more tired. I am more careful. My left arm is capable of carrying a hefty little guy for quite a while without falling off. I am tied down, bound to this child who has changed my life. I am not able to sleep, shower, watch a movie, sit and read, or even type a blog post without interruptions.
I am working harder than I've ever worked in my life.
I am happier. Infinitely happier.
I am the one who gets to see Nicholas's sleepy, milk-drunk smile when I get up to feed him during the night.
I am the one who hears him giggling and singing to himself when he's playing in the other room.
I am the one he crawls towards.
I am the one he snuggles his head against when he's tired.
I am the one who taught him how to hide under his blanket when he wants to play peek-a-boo.
I am the one who loves every little piece of him more than anyone else in the world-his toes, his dimpled hands, his soft reddish-brown hair, his sweet breath on my neck, the twinkle in his blue eyes.
I am less selfish, more patient, more giving, and more loving than I ever thought I could be.
I am a mother.
And I wouldn't choose anything else in the world.
Oh, and one more thing. I am the one who got the most amazing Mother's Day present ever. I've been wanting this for...well, my whole life.

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