Wednesday, May 26, 2010

this week: good things

I got a package in the mail for my birthday.
As soon as I cracked open the box I could smell it-
Grandma Murray's zupfe (sounds like "sut-fa") bread. I haven't had zupfe bread for years. It was
every bit as good as I remembered, and if I microwaved it for a few seconds it almost felt like it was fresh from the oven.
I ate six slices the first day, in fact, it's almost all I ate that day-
this is the kind of bread you can use as an entire meal all on its own.

It was my birthday on Monday. And it was a good day-I felt lots of love from phone calls, emails, and other sweet little notes.
My mom sent me a box of goodies and a beautiful book, Another Testament.
Kent's mom sent me a gift card to get something pretty for the house.
I got a letter from my brother Josh that, I admit, made me cry just a little. So sweet.

I miss him.

After work, Kent brought home my "cake," a strawberry-banana cream pie from Marie Callendars. Scrumptious, and pretty too!
The Jensens came over after Nicholas was in bed and Kent and I escaped on a little date. We went to Paesanos, where the food was awesome. Fun, fancy place, fantastic company-a very good time.
Unfortunately, when we returned, the Jensen's car had been towed (grrr... HOA policies) and Kent drove them out across town to pick it up. He didn't get back until 1:30 am, and then both of us were up again at 3-ish being sick. Food poisoning, maybe? We felt fine by the next morning. And I don't think it is going to stop us from returning to Paesanos-the food really was very good.

Kent ordered these for my birthday. Ugh. So good. They had to raise for 9 hours, so we put them out overnight, and I was so glad I wasn't sick anymore the next morning, because,
well, chocolate croissants are heaven.
We ate them too fast for me to take a picture.

Rain, rain, rain. A welcome relief from the upper 90's temperatures we've been having lately. I'll take Texas rain over Texas heat any day.

And is there anything cuter than a barefoot baby boy in overalls?
I don't think so.


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