Friday, May 21, 2010

in fourteen hundred and ninety-two

Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
Having a new crawler in your house is a lot like having a mini Christopher Columbus-
exploring uncharted waters, discovering previously unknown lands and places.

Unfortunately most of my pictures of this little Columbus turn out like this:A blurry-faced, open-mouthed, I'm-ready-to-eat-that-camera Mom, picture.
Now before you judge my camera skills, why don't you try and take a picture of someone who is rapidly crawling towards you with the intent to drool on your camera.

Let's take a look at what Nicholas has discovered since he began crawling.

The dishwasher: Endless sticky entertainment.

The piano: Experience the music from directly under the feet of the musician.
The shoe tray: The best place to do studies on where Mom and Dad have been. These studies are best conducted with one arm in the air.

The household media: It's really fun to help Dad learn new techniques for game playing by attempting to take his controller from him.
What's more fun than a barrel of monkeys? Eating a barrel of monkeys, of course.
Under the kitchen table: We are beginning to think that Nicholas tosses his food down here on purpose so that he can come back later for a snack.The stairs: So far, he's only made it to the third step. It's time to buy a gate.


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