Wednesday, September 15, 2010

lemonade picture no. 1

Nicholas was napping this morning.
I turned on the desktop we never use anymore, searching for pictures to help me complete a long-standing blurb project of mine.

An hour later, Nicholas woke up from his nap, and I was still looking at pictures.
Do you ever get lost in your picture folders? Thinking, oh yeah I remember that, and golly wasn't that the best vacation? (Do you ever use the word "golly" in your head?)

Anyway, I have a folder on my computer that I titled "Lemonade." It contains pictures from all of my happiest moments (you know, the times when life is all lemonade and no lemons).

So I thought I'd share a few of those with you.

Picture number one is from our honeymoon. We had tried to find a meetinghouse where we could attend Church on Sunday, but the nearest one was outside of Paris somewhere, and having just barely attempted the metro system the day before, we didn't feel like we could find a way to get there. We decided that the Louvre museum was a suitable Sabbath activity.
I spent all day Saturday memorizing the words for "open" and "Sunday" so we could ask them if they were going to be open. That brought my French words total to 5. It's amazing what you can accomplish with simply a polite "parlez vous anglais."

The Louvre was dazzling. Room after room after room of the most famous art pieces you can think of and many more that you can't. We saw the Mona Lisa from behind six rows of tourist heads. We saw the Winged Victory of Samothrace. We marveled at the massive Wedding at Cana. We rested on the velvet sofas, and we realized that our museum-wandering stamina left something to be desired. We held hands the entire day.

And this picture, taken on our single-use kodak by a kind French passerby who was wearing a heavy black trenchcoat, is one of my most favorites.


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