Thursday, September 30, 2010

oh those eyes

 Is it any wonder I'm head over heels for my little boy?

The comments we get about him, 
more often than anything else,
are all about his eyes. 

These pictures make his hair look really red, but it isn't--must just be the lighting?

We had a rough two or three weeks with him right after he learned how to walk. 
I'm not sure if it was his newfound independence, 
the dreaded 2 naps to 1 nap transition that he attempted, or the fact that we were in the throes of weaning (or maybe it was all three), but whatever was ruining his little life seems to have cleared up now, he takes two long naps each day,
and oh so thankfully our happy Nicholas is back.
Oh so thankfully.
 Did I mention he's getting a dimple?  Right there on his left cheek.  
And the fact that he fell yesterday and conked his head on the edge of our tv cabinet...well that just makes these pictures all the more real-life Nicholas.

Blogger has finally made it simple to use beautifully large pictures-hallelujah!
Or maybe it's just that I finally figured out how to do it... 


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