Tuesday, September 28, 2010

one year pictures

Attempt number one, anyway.
Out of the 59 pictures I took, more than 30 of them look something like this:Nicholas walking away from me, way more interested in the cement under his feet than in smiling at his camera-wielding mother.
But don't you just love how he still has those adorable rolls on his ankles? It almost makes me hope that he never loses those.
Okay, so that's not true. A 20-something-year-old with ankle rolls probably wouldn't be quite so adorable.
For now, though, I'm loving it.

One of the only ways I could get him to both look at me and smile was playing "5 little monkeys." Hence the blurry hand. Those little monkeys are swinging in the tree.

I enlisted Kent's help, and we managed to get a couple of good ones, but we will definitely be trying again later this week.

He's no longer able to sit still and smile at me while I snap picture after picture,
but I'm pretty certain he gets cuter every day.
We just have to work a little harder to capture that cuteness on camera.


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