Saturday, September 25, 2010

what i miss

The changing from summer to fall is probably the time when I miss being farther north the most.

I get that "fall itch," you know, the one that makes you want to wear sweaters and crunch leaves under your feet and make tomato soup.
But it is still in the 90's here.
And the leaves won't fall off the trees until December.

I want to decorate my house for fall, but when it's still bright and green outside it just doesn't seem to fit.

I know, boo hoo. When it's February and the rest of the world is dying for some sunshine...then I'll be so glad to be here instead of there.
So it all balances out eventually. Even if I do miss the changing of the seasons.
But yesterday my friend Allison taught me how to make pie crusts. Let me tell you, rolling out that dough and placing it in the pie plate, trimming the edges and crimping the outside--I felt so pleasingly domestic!

The pie is delicious, and I made pumpkin, which does help it feel just a little bit more like the fall I'm wishing it was.


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