Saturday, June 18, 2011

and it's a .....!

Some of our friends came over last night.  Before they arrived we hung blue and pink streamers, filled the living room with blue and pink balloons (although if you ask Nicholas he'll tell you they're "Green! Yellow!"--he's still working on colors), 
and I made this cake.  
When they got here, we gathered around for the cake cutting-Kent and I were going to cut the cake together a'la newlywed style. 
I guess we hadn't been very clear about the plan, because one of our friends looked around the circle of people anxiously awaiting the cake cutting and asked us what we were expecting to be in the cake?
The cake, you see, was the answer!
It's a girl!
And a word of advice:  a spoonful of food color paste is more than enough to sufficiently color a box of cake mix.  
I only used one of Nicholas's old baby spoons. I thought it would be just right.  But it was very, very pink.
At least there was no mistaking the color!
As a funny coincidence, all three of us girls there last night were wearing pink, too!  
I've been shopping already, and dreaming up all things girly.  
We're so excited!


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