Friday, June 17, 2011

the third week in june

 We've had water restrictions since March, I think...  we can only use sprinklers on Mondays. So the rest of the week, this is what we do after dinner: sit on the porch while Daddy waters the grass by hand.  Because we just can't bear to let our grass die off. 

My garden has completely succummed to the heat. I harvested two tomatoes, and I kept watering my sad little plants because I had three still on the vine. 
But Monday morning I went out to check on them, and all three tomatoes were gone. 
I hope whatever squirrel/bird/raccoon took them enjoyed them, because I'm giving up for this planting season. It's just too hot.

We bought a new ice cream machine for Father's Day.  It came yesterday, and the mixing bowls are in the freezer ready for us to use them tonight.  Mmm.

This week Nicholas has spent his days going from playing with the hose on the patio, to sitting in the kitchen sink with the water on, to playing in his wading pool.  And then repeat the process. 
We're going to have an astronomical water bill this month, but just look how happy he is!

And happy has been hard to come by this week.  Nicholas is growing all four of his two-year molars at the same time. Poor kid, constantly shoving his fist in his mouth, gnawing on his fingers.   We've been waking up nearly every hour with him through the nights this week. 
I think he's just prepping us for the newborn days we have ahead.
How thoughtful of him.

My ultrasound was on Tuesday!
All is well and healthy, and we've started picking a name.
Yes, that's right.  We know what the gender of our baby is.
Tonight we are having a "gender reveal" party with our friends.  I'm going to be blowing up lots of balloons today!


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