Thursday, June 23, 2011

he may not be ready for training

but he's certainly ready for bed!

Sorry--he moves fast!
Nicholas found the underwear I've been storing in the bathroom cupboard today.  He had me put them (there are three pairs) over his shorts and he wore them all morning.

I did not let him wear them to Costco. Cue toddler meltdown.

When we got back we had dinner and I thought he'd forgotten about them.
But as soon as we went up to the get him in the bathtub tonight,
he opened the cupboard, saw the underwear, and loudly exclaimed
"Ereis!"  translated:  "There it is!"
He has to "chase his tail" in order to see the car on the back.  
It's awesome and hilarious.
Maybe the underwear will help our teething boy sleep through the night again?
If not, at least he'll look super cool.


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