Friday, June 10, 2011

willow park

 There's a gorgeous park in Logan-
Willow Park Zoo (a mini-zoo with mostly birds, ducks, a few monkeys, bobcats, etc.).
When I was little, I often requested to have my birthday party at Willow Park.
My grandma always brought Frederico's pizza or KFC.

In case you are unaware, Frederico's pizza is the best pizza in the world.
Quite inconvenient to be a pregnant woman craving Frederico's all the way down here in
Texas. My mom bought it for my birthday again this year since I was there in Logan.

Have you ever experienced the pure bliss of finally getting something you've been pregnant-craving?  Some of the best bites I've ever taken in my life.

We took Nicholas to Willow Park.
He loved it.
But the thing he loved the most--
the tree cotton all over the grass.

That and being helpful by "scratching" my brother's heads and backs.

 After walking around we happened to meet up with the director of the zoo, who used to be in my parents' ward. 
He was awesome and gave each of the boys a feather from the peacocks that roam the park.
okay, maybe a lot/most of the time,
I boost the color in my photos.
But when I tried to do that with the pictures I took in Utah this time,
it was actually too bright, and too green!

Cache Valley in early summer is the most beautiful place on earth. 
And that's the truth.

Trying to tickle the camera with the feather.
 When we were done, my mom bought us rootbeer ice cream cones from A&W.  Heaven.

I would love to live in Cache Valley again,
and who knows, maybe someday we will.
But if not, I'm so glad I will always have it to come home to.


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