In the life of Nicholas.November 4, 2009
1:00 am: Wake up, Mom comes in and feeds me.
4:00 am: Wake up again, Mom changes my diaper and feeds me, then rubs my face with her fingers to make me fall asleep again. I love it when she does that.
7:00 am: Wake up as Daddy leaves for work. Give him a snuggle, then join Mom in bed to eat.
7:30-9:00 am: Play time in the big bed. This is my favorite time of day. I laugh and smile and tell Mom all about the dreams I had.
9:00: Time to get ready for the day! I've just about outgrown my changing table. I don't know what Mom and Dad are going to do with me when I do.

9:30 am: Sit in the bouncy chair while Mom takes a shower. It's so fun to play with my toys, and I just LOVE the pattern on the laundry bag that hangs by my chair. I could smile at that bag all day long if Mom would let me!

10:30 am: Play by myself while Mom eats breakfast and gets ready for the day.
11:00 am: Eat.
11:45 am: Mom puts me in the stroller and we go for a little walk.

Being outdoors makes me sleepy.

12:30 pm: We're home now, and Mom changes my diaper. Aren't I the cutest?
1:00 pm: I take a short snooze in Mom's lap now while Mom checks the blogs.
Side not from Mom: This is why I haven't been the best at blog commenting lately. I do read all your blogs, I just can't comment very easily because I have a sleeping baby in one arm. I suppose I could put him down...but look at that face! Sorry. Won't do it.
2:00 pm: Eat again. Fall promptly asleep and stay that way until Dad comes home from work. If I didn't have this one long nap a day, Mom would never be able to keep the house clean. So I sleep out of kindness.
5:00 pm: Dad's home! I eat again, and then Dad buckles me up in the carseat. I am a little bit nervous about this, not knowing where Mom and Dad are taking me.

I fall asleep in the carseat, so I miss out on Dad's USAA work party where Mom played arcades for the first time in her life and Dad won the jackpot with this little ball-dropping thingy. But Dad looks pretty un-excited about it, so I probably didn't miss much.

7:30 pm: A Costco trip. Very exciting.
8:30 pm: Home now, and I MUST be fed. I let Mom know. She feeds me. We have a great system going.
9:00 pm: I'm up unusually late, so Mom and Dad give me a bath. It was so relaxing that I couldn't stop myself from forcing them to refill the tub twice, if you know what I mean.

9:45 pm: I finally fall asleep while Mom and Dad are watching Heroes on Netflix. I think I already mentioned that I like to have someone touch my face while I fall asleep. Here is proof.

It's a wonderful life I've got here.